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Ian Angus, via The Real News, faces the Anthropocene

Ian Angus, editor of Climate&Capitalism and author of Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System, talks to Dharna Noor of The Real News about the the oncoming ecological crisis and how we can’t “change things without changing capitalism.”

“DN: This week the International Geological Congress in Cape Town received word of a coming recommendation that a new geological epoch needs to be official declared. The new epoch, called the Anthropocene, indicates the unprecedented level of human impact on the Earth… What’s an epoch and why are they and you calling to name a new one?

IA: …What became clear in the late 20th century to some scientists was that humanity’’s activities have become so great that they were actually changing the way that the world functions….”

Watch the interview below, or click here

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