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“Studs Terkel and third-party politics” by Alan Wieder, via


Alan Wieder‘s article is based on excerpts from his new book, Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, but Mostly Conversation. It appears in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, Oct. 31, 2016

“When Noam Chomsky recently told Amy Goodman that he would hold his nose and vote for Hillary Clinton if he lived in a swing state, it reminded me of Studs’ statements during the 2000 Gore-Bush election for the presidency. In 2000, Studs endorsed Ralph Nader, but like Chomsky at the present time, he suggested that it might be prudent in certain cases to vote for Gore. In 1970, when Chomsky appeared on Studs’ show to discuss his book, The New Mandarins, much of the conversation focused on conquest and corporate power. And the men agreed that grassroots movements, not heroes, changed history…. ¶ So each day when I hear Trump and Clinton speak, I long to hear Studs talking about the coming election….”

Read Alan’s article in LINKS

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