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“How Foodies Can Understand Capitalism and Farm-to-Table Justice”: YES! mag on Eric Holt-Gimenez’s Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism

A Foodies Guide to Capitalism

A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism: Understanding the Political Economy of What We Eat
280 pp, $25 pbk, ISBN 978-1-58367-659-2
By Eric Holt-Giménez

Reviewed by Nancy Matsumoto

“A new book aimed at the socially conscious food activist explores how our food system can be a place for transformation through an alliance between the progressive and radical wings of the food movement. ¶ As advocates for a just food system, most of us try to live by our beliefs. Shopping at the farmers markets: Check. Buying local and grass-fed: Check. We rail against Big Food, yet don’t dare, or bother, to look too far beneath the surface …. We are walking, kale-stuffed characters out of Portlandia, better-intentioned than informed. After all, what are we really doing to change the system?…”

Read the entire review at YES! magazine

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