Monthly Review Volume 15, Number 2 (June 1963) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “Aspects of the Birmingham Crisis; All The News That’s Fit to Print” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “The Tonic of Revolution” by Sybil H. May
- “A Suggestion to HUAC” by Leo Huberman
- “Report on Hungary” by Johan Vogt
- Correspondence: “A Letter to W.H. Ferry” by Paul A. Baran
- “What Kind of Revolution for Latin America?; Reply by the Editors” by B. A. Leshem, The Editors
- “American Radicalism: A Rejoinder” by Ronald Radosh
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 15, Number 1 (May 1963) [PDF]
by MR Admin
Middle East
- Review of the Month: “The Split in the Socialist World” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “The Communist Schism on the Outskirts of the World” by Eduardo Galeano
- “The Coups in Iraq and Syria” by Tabitha Petran
- “American Radicalism: Further Discussion” by Milt Bloch; Dominic Mascio; Abraham Ungar; James Weinstein
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- “Where We Stand: Reprint” by The Editors
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 12 (April 1963) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “The Split in the Capitalist World” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “The Varieties of Land Reform” by Andre Gunder Frank
- “The Great Debate: A Reply to Baran and Sweezy; A Rejoinder to A. Butenko” by Anatoly Butenko; Paul A. Baran; Paul M. Sweezy
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Review: “Submit or Fight?” by Conrad J. Lynn
- Review: “The Legacy of Slavery” by Ursula Wassermann
- “American Radicalism: Further Discussion” by Max Gordon, Robert E. Jackson
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 11 (March 1963) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “Notes on Latin America” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “The Algerian Revolution Begins” by Richard Gibson
- “American Radicalism: A Reply to Mr. Radosh” by Robert Forrey
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Review: “Black Political Power” by James Boggs
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 10 (February 1963) [PDF]
by MR Admin
- Review of the Month: “Where the World Stands” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “Revolution on the Farm” by Michael Munk
- “Cuba’s Mission” by An American in Cuba (anon.)
- “C. Wright Mills and the American Left” by Eugene V. Schneider
- “American Radicalism: Liberal or Socialist?” by Ronald Radosh
- “The Demolition Men: The U.S. and the Crisis of Neutrality in Southeast Asia” by Keith M. Buchanan
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 9 (January 1963) [PDF]
by MR Admin
- Review of the Month: “A Fool’s Game: India-China” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “The Argument of Latin America: Words for the North Americans” by Carlos Fuentes
- “Marxism and Mathematical Economics” by Leif Johansen
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Review: “Radical Departure” by Norm Fruchter
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 8 (December 1962) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “The Cuban Crisis in Perspective” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “Andes and Sierra Maestra” by Sebastián Salazar Bondy
- “Marxism: Religion and Science” by Joan Robinson
- “On the Political Economy of Western Europe” by Theodore Prager
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Correspondence: “Reply to Mr. Kofsky; Rejoinder” by David Horowitz, Frank Kofsky
- Review: “The Seed Beneath the Fallout Shelter” by Alexander Saxton
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 7 (November 1962) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “The Real Issue in Mississippi” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “Facts About Food in China” by Edgar Snow
- “Why I Will Not Register” by Dorothy R. Healey
- “Mexico: The Janus Faces of Twentieth-Century Bourgeois Revolution” by Andre Gunder Frank
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Review: “A True Internationalist” by Jeffry Kaplow
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 6 (October 1962) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “Another Cuban Crisis” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “Hunger and Democracy: A Letter from a Mexican” by A Mexican (anon.)
- “The World of Science: Plenty of Room at the Bottom” by Philip Morrison
- “What Is Full Employment?” by Philip Eden
- “Work and Property” by R. H. Tawney
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Review: “The Student Movement” by Frank Kofsky
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 5 (September 1962) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “U.S. Capitalism at an Impasse” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “Questions and Answers on Cuba” by J. P. Morray
- “Brazil: A Christian Country” by Francisco Julião
- “Reflections on the Spanish Civil War” by H. H. Wilson
- “C. Wright Mills” by Ralph Miliband
- “The Return to Organizing” by Gaylord C. Leroy
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Review: “The Paralysis of Agony” by David Evanier
- Poetry: “The Questionaire” by Wilson Macdonald
- “Murder in Los Angeles: A Protest” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 3-4 (July-August 1962) [PDF]
- “Monopoly Capital: Introduction” by Paul M. Sweezy, Paul A. Baran
- “Monopoly Capital: The Giant Corporation” by Paul M. Sweezy, Paul A. Baran
- “Monopoly Capital: On the Quality of Monopoly Capital Society” by Paul M. Sweezy, Paul A. Baran
Monthly Review Volume 14, Number 2 (June 1962) [PDF]
- Review of the Month: “To the Class of 1962” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
- “A Great American” by Paul M. Sweezy
- “The Food Situation in Cuba” by Marjorie K. Morray
- “Idle Machines” by An Economic Observer (anon.)
- “The Private Ownership of Public Property” by Julius Emspak
- “Marxism and Existentialism, Part II” by Adam Schaff
- “The Seamy Side of Socialist Societies” by Eugene J. Reade
- World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
- Review: “A Passionate Dialogue” by Dorothy Monet Rosenwald