Monthly Review Volume 8, Number 2 (June 1956) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Two Nations—White and Black” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy Poetry: “A Song of Color” by Wilson Macdonald Correspondence: “Problems of American Socialism: Reply to Sweezy” by Joseph R. Starobin World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 8, Number 1 (May 1956) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Capitalism and Agriculture” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy Correspondence: “Problems of American Socialism; If Not Now, When?; A Great Potential Audience; Our First Job? We Need a Party; We Ask Your Support” by The Editors “Where We Stand: Reprint” by The Editors World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 12 (April 1956) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Crisis in Race Relations; A Great Labor Organizer; Consumer Debt and Income” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy ““We Are Also Superior …”” by South African Baseball Board “Socialism—USA and USSR” by The Editors of Political Affairs (editors) Review: “Civil Liberties Today” by Henry Pratt Fairchild World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 11 (March 1956) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “We Can’t Win the Cold War” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy Poetry: “The Wisdom of the East” by Sagittarius (anon.) “What Are We Arming For?” by Konni Zilliacus Correspondence: “Socialists and Elections” by Joan R., Leo Huberman Review: “From Paris to Peking to New York” by Paul M. Sweezy “A New Look at Chinese History, Part II” by Arthur K. Davis Review: “The Nearings’ USA” by Alexander L. Crosby World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 10 (February 1956) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Foreign Aid—U.S. vs. USSR” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Post-McCarthy Delusions of Liberty” by Jay Sykes “Conform or Lose Your Job” by Corliss Lamont “A New Look at Chinese History, Part I” by Arthur K. Davis “Integrating the Russian Picture” by Fig Leaf (anon.) “Heywood Broun—Radical Journalist, Part II” by Harvey Goldberg World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 9 (January 1956) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Labor’s Opportunity; The Changing Face of Capitalism” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “The Debs Way” by Leo Huberman “Heywood Broun—Radical Journalist, Part I” by Harvey Goldberg “Why They Stick to the ILA” by Richard Sasuly “Oil and the Future” by Howard Sharpe “Socialism—USA and USSR” by The American Socialist (editors) World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 8 (December 1955) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Middle East Crisis” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “After Geneva—What?” by Konni Zilliacus “The Rise and Fall of Peronism” by Elena de la Souchère Review: “New Light on the Rosenberg Case” by Malcolm Sharp “Thinkers and Treasurers, Part IV” by Barrows Dunham World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 7 (November 1955) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Debs and the Future of American Socialism; The Man of Peace” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “The Achievement of Debs” by Bert Cochran “Address to the Jury; Statement to the Court; After-Prison Speech” by Eugene V. Debs “Quotes from Debs” by Eugene V. Debs “Eugene V. Debs—The Man” by New York Evening World “Socialism—USA and USSR: Some Questions for Discussion” by Alexander Leslie “Thinkers and Treasurers, Part II & III” by Barrows Dunham World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 6 (October 1955) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Boom, Bust, Depression; Sober Thoughts on Agriculture” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Mergers on the Farm, Too” by A Special Correspondent (anon.) Review: “The Decline of Agrarian Democracy” by Catherine Winston “Thinkers and Treasurers, Part I” by Barrows Dunham “Sunakawa, Nearest Town to the Pentagon” by A Japanese Correspondent (anon.) “Remember the Carlsbad Decrees?” by The Germanic Confederation World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 5 (September 1955) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Geneva Conference” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Recent Events in Argentina” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “The Size and Shape of GAW” by Richard Sasuly “Oppression and Resistance in South Africa” by Julius Lewin Poetry: “Black” by Georgia Douglas Johnson World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 4 (August 1955) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy Poetry: “The Abstract Rights of Man” by Sagittarius (anon.) “Theodore Dreiser: Ishmael in the Jungle” by John Lydenberg World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 3 (July 1955) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Aim Is Thought Control” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Problems of American Socialism: The Errors of Mr. Mandel; Socialists and the Socialist Countries; Rejoinder; Western Socialism and the Problems of the USSR; Socialism as a World Force” by The Editors World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing
Monthly Review Volume 7, Number 2 (June 1955) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “A Review of the International Situation” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy Poetry: “The Formosa Straits” by Mason Stone Reprise: “Why Socialism?” by Albert Einstein “U.S.A. 1955—A Report” by Leo Huberman “Costa Rica: Citadel of Democracy” by Elena de la Souchère “Japan and China” by Mary Clabaugh Wright World Events: “World Events” by Scott Nearing