Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 9 (January 1950) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “Economic Retrospect and Prospect” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “1949” by Konni Zilliacus “Art and Socialism” by Robert D. Feild Review: “Eugene V. Debs—Uncompromising Revolutionary” by Leo Huberman “Why I Believe in Socialism” by John S. Jenkins
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 8 (December 1949) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Split in the CIO; Western European Economic Integration; Two Voices; Quiz Program” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Italy and the Marshall Plan” by Basil Davidson “Notes on the CIO Convention” by Stephen Fischer Correspondence: “From Our Correspondence” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 7 (November 1949) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Soviet Bomb” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “The Devaluation of the Pound” by Paul M. Sweezy “Notes on a Divided Germany” by Max Werner “Why I Believe in Socialism” by Henry Pratt Fairchild “Monopoly” by Leo Huberman
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 6 (October 1949) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Peekskill Riots; In Darkest India” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Why I Believe in Socialism” by Corliss Lamont “British Labor and Socialism: Part II” by A British Socialist (anon.) “Austrian Social Democracy” by An Austrian Socialist (anon.)
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 5 (September 1949) [PDF] by support and MR Admin Review of the Month: “The Atlantic Pact Again; No Cause for Surprise; The Nathan Report and the American Labor Movement” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “British Labor and Socialism: Part I” by A British Socialist (anon.) “Not Propaganda or Plotting but History” by Historicus (anon.) “The ECE’s European Economic Survey” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 4 (August 1949) [PDF] by MR Admin “Point Four” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “The Communist Manifesto After 100 Years” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “The Accumulation of Capital” by Leo Huberman
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 3 (July 1949) [PDF] by MR Admin Review of the Month: “Academic Freedom in the Colleges” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Religion and Socialism” by Frederic Hastings Smyth “Is the Marshall Plan an Instrument of Peace?” by Paul M. Sweezy “Capitalist “Plans” and Their Significance” by Charles Bettelheim “Value and Surplus Value” by Leo Huberman
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 2 (June 1949) [PDF] by support and MR Admin “Notes from the Editors, June 1949” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy Review of the Month: “Civil War in the CIO” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “The German Problem” by Paul M. Sweezy “Why I Believe in Socialism” by Scott Nearing “Poland and Czechoslovakia on the Road to Socialism” by Otto Nathan “Labor and World Conquest” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Class Struggle in America?” by Leo Huberman
Monthly Review Volume 1, Number 1 (May 1949) [PDF] by MR Admin “Where We Stand: Introductory Editorial” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy Review of the Month: “The Atlantic Pact: China and Socialism” by Leo Huberman, Paul M. Sweezy “Why Socialism?” by Albert Einstein “Recent Developments in American Capitalism” by Paul M. Sweezy “Socialism and American Labor” by Leo Huberman “Transition to Socialism in Eastern Europe” by Otto Nathan