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Hidden History of the Korean War: New Edition

Introduction to the New Edition of ‘The Hidden History of the Korean War’

First published in 1952, I. F. Stone’s Hidden History of the Korean War was a stunning indictment of the U.S. war machine and the mass media’s unquestioning acceptance of the government’s deception. In their new introduction, Tim Beal and Gregory Elich explore Hidden History‘s continuing relevance to current events, including the rapidly escalating New Cold War. | more…

2023, Volume 75, Number 01 (May 2023)
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Thousands of shipping containers at the terminal at Port Elizabeth, New Jersey (2004)

Limits to Supply Chain Resilience: A Monopoly Capital Critique

Capital, Ben Selwyn writes, has been advancing its interests under the guise of protecting “global supply chain resilience.” While those promoting the resilience agenda assert that these supply chains represent a net benefit, evidence suggests that they increase the transfer of surplus value from the Global North and, especially, in the. South. | more…

2023, Volume 74, Number 10 (March 2023)
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