August Nimtz’s essay in this book on Marx and Engels, and organization, alone would make it worthwhile. Nimtz shows that though they didn’t write a huge amount about political organization, Marx and Engels showed through their practice and fragmentary comments that they believed, like Lenin after them, that socialists need to get organized in advance of great social struggles if they wanted to transform society. | more…
6:00-8:00pm April 30 at the Brooklyn Commons
388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Presented by the Marxist Education Project (MEP)
Sickened by the contamination of their water, their air, of the Earth itself, more and more people are coming to realize that it is capitalism that is, quite literally, killing them. It is now clearer than ever that capitalism is also degrading the Earth’s ability to support other forms of life. Come hear Fred Magdoff, author (with Chris Williams) of the upcoming Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation, talk about his book and how it really might be possible to to envision and create a society that is genuinely democratic, equitable, and ecologically sustainable. | more…
PAUL JAY: So, what do you make of this moment? Trump is under attack for being pro-Russian, and just a few days ago he talks about over-throwing Assad is not the target. Which must have royally — excuse the language — pissed off a whole lot of the American foreign policy establishment.
GERALD HORNE: Well, I think you put your finger on a major issue, that this attack on Syria can be easily interpreted as a kind of wag the dog strategy by Mr. Trump. That is to say, the bloodhounds were on his trail, as a result of his pre-November 2016 contacts with Moscow. | more…
Miroslav Krleža was a giant of Yugoslav literature, yet remarkably little of his writing has appeared in English. Harbors Rich in Ships gives English-speaking readers an unprecedented opportunity to appreciate the astonishing breadth of Krleža’s literary creations. Beautifully translated by Željko Cipriš, this collection of seven representative early texts introduces a new audience to three stories from Krleža’s renowned antimilitarist book, Croatian God Mars; an autobiographical sketch; a one-act play; a story from his collection of short stories, Thousand and One Deaths; and his signature drama, The Glembays, a satirical account of the crime-ridden origins of one of Zagreb’s most aristocratic families. This collection will help readers of all interests and ages see just why Krleža is considered among the best of the literary moderns. | more…
Second Annual Boston Socialist Unity Project Conference, April 21 and 22
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edgerton Lecture Hall, Room 34-101
50 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA
Come hear socialist scholars and activists including Vijay Prashad, Barbara Madeloni, Sherri Mitchell, the Green-Rainbow Party, and Fred Magdoff, co-author (with Chris Williams) of Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation | more…
Marx’s Capital after 150 Years: Critique and Alternative to Capitalism
May 24-26 at York University, Toronto, Canada
For many scholars, today Marx’s analyses are arguably resonating even more strongly than they did in Marx’s own time. This international conference brings together several world-renowned sociologists, political theorists, economists, and philosophers, from diverse fields and 13 countries. | more…
If Karl Marx were writing Capital today and had paid attention when Friedrich Engels and his publisher implored him to make the first chapters of volume one less abstract and more accessible, rather than dismissing their suggestions with declarations about a royal road, he might well have chosen a specific commodity from which he could unravel capital. And, if he wanted to choose a commodity in which the relations of the contemporary political economy had been crystallised, he might well have chosen an iPhone. In following the social relations that sit behind the iPhone, Marx would have observed children mining for cassiterite in the Congo; followed the global production chains from the neo-futurist Apple Campus in Cupertino … | more…
“[T]he universe is full of new opportunities for commodification. The question is, can the planet sustain them?”
Ursula Huws is the author of Labor in the Global Digital Economy: The Cybertariat Comes of Age. Recently, Huws wrote a follow-up article for the London School of Economics and Political Science Business Review. | more…
Zeljko Cipriš is the translator of Harbors Rich in Ships: The Selected Revolutionary Writings of Miroslav Krleža, Radical Luminary of Modern World Literature, coming very soon from Monthly Review Press. He was recently interviewed by Rade Dragojević for the Forum, a Croatian weekly, published in Zagreb… | more…
During a soliloquy in Julius Caesar, Brutus says, ‘The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power.’ His words clearly apply to John Marciano’s book, The American War in Vietnam…. Whereas Brutus speaks of Caesar’s use of power, Marciano addresses the misuse of the Noble Cause principle espoused by the United States in the Vietnam War. ¶ Marciano, a Professor Emeritus at the State University of New York at Cortland, relates this principle to America’s employing military power in general—and in particular to what he calls the ‘staggering human and ecological losses’ resulting from ignoring remorse relative to the Vietnam War… | more…
During the nineteenth century, three US presidents died in office, or shortly after it, from drinking the water in the White House. This was probably because that water was drawn downstream from the marsh where the White House’s ‘nightsoil’ was dumped, including that of the slaves who helped build it. For Rob Wallace, this is therefore an ‘epiphenomenon of empire’, as ‘on what was a glorified plantation, growing not crops but imperial designs alienated from people and places alike, enslaved men and women were obligated to kill their masters bucket by bucket’… | more…
Henry Giroux is one of our foremost critical voices. With America’s Addiction to Terrorism, he once again applies his critical pedagogy to the US, finding a common thread of growing authoritarian state terrorism through 12 chapters on such varied phenomena as “selfie culture,” austerity, education, cinema, nuclear proliferation, and the state of public intellectuals, while neatly tying these threads to the more obvious tapestry of racism, police militarization, and torture…. | more…
Ursula Huws, author of Labor in the Global Digital Economy: The Cybertariat Comes of Age, recently gave a talk sponsored by the Contemporary Philosophy of Technology at the University of Birmingham, UK. Watch the video here. | more…