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James Cockcroft on Book Tour

Mexico's Hope

Mexico's Hope

James D. Cockcroft is the author of Mexico’s Revolution Then and Now and Mexico’s Hope.

Book Tour Schedule for James D. Cockcroft

Please check this page periodically for additions and updates.

  • April 5: 6 PM, “Mexico’s Revolution Today and Tomorrow,” University of Oregon, Lawrence room 115, Eugene, Oregon (RSVP on facebook or email isoeugene[at] for more information).
  • April 7: 3:30 PM, “US-Mexico Relations: Failed States, New Wars, and Resistance,” Lewis and Clark College, Bldg #25, Miller 105, Portland, Oregon
  • April 12:, 12:15 PM, “US-Mexico Relations in Historical Context: Failed States, New Wars, and Resistance,” Stanford University, Bolivar House, 582 Alvarado Row, Stanford Campus, Palo Alto, California
Buy Mexico’s Revolution Then and NowPaperback, 160 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-58367-224-2
Cloth (ISBN-13: 978-1-58367-225-9)
Released: December 2010

  • April 13: 7 PM, City Lights Books, 261 Columbus Ave., San Francisco, CA 94133. Joined by poet Alejandro Murguia.
  • April 15: 7:30 PM, The Redwoods Presbyterian Church, Lower Level, 110 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, California. $5 Donation refundable with purchase of book. Sponsored by The Task Force on the Americas; info: 415/924-3227,
  • April 18: 12:30 PM, “Mexico’s Revolution Yesterday and Today,” University of California-Riverside, Interdisciplinary Building 1113, Riverside, California
  • April 19: 4:15 PM, “US-Mexico Relations: Imperialism, Failed States, Resistance,” Pomona College, Smith Campus Center 212, Claremont, California

The author is available for lectures. Click here for details, or to contact MR Press about a different request.

James D. Cockcroft

James D. Cockcroft

James D. Cockcroft is a bilingual award-winning author of forty-five books on Latin America, Mexico, Latin@s, culture, migration, and human rights. He is Internet professor for the State University of New York, a poet, three-time Fulbright Scholar, and an activist with la Base de Paix Montréal, among countless other organizations.

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