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Monthly Review Volume 61, Number 1 (May 2009) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 11 (April 2009) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 10 (March 2009) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 9 (February 2009) [PDF]

The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village

The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village

The Unknown Cultural Revolution challenges the established narrative of China’s Cultural Revolution, which assumes that this period of great social upheaval led to economic disaster, the persecution of intellectuals, and senseless violence. Dongping Han offers a powerful account of the dramatic improvements in the living conditions, infrastructure, and agricultural practices of China’s rural population that emerged in this period. Drawing on extensive local interviews and records in rural Jimo County, in Shandong Province, Han shows that the Cultural Revolution helped overthrow local hierarchies, establish participatory democracy and economic planning in the communes, and expand education and public services, especially for the elderly. Han lucidly illustrates how these changes fostered dramatic economic development in rural China. | more…

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 7 (December 2008) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 6 (November 2008) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 5 (October 2008) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 4 (September 2008) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 3 (July-August 2008) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 2 (June 2008) [PDF]

Monthly Review Volume 60, Number 1 (May 2008) [PDF]

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