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Free Cash, Capital Accumulation and Inequality

Free Cash, Mergers, and Capital Spillage

Craig Medlen draws on decades of data to reveal how the creeping stagnation of the past half-century has led to the increasing consolidation of corporate monopoly power and concentration of firms by way of mergers and, importantly, the free cash that funds them. This stunning rise in free cash, fueled in part by government deficits, starkly reveals how the ruling class continues to enrich themselves and strengthen their position on the top of the economic heap. | more…

2025, Volume 76, Issue 08 (January 2025)
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Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System

An Ecological Civilization Will Have to Be Socialist

In this interview with Claudia Antunes of Brazilian magazine Sumaúma, Ian Angus takes stock of our current planetary crisis, from its origins in Marx’s ecological thought and the present debate over its designation to the future of human civilization as we know it. “The key question is,” he concludes, “Are we going to see large number of people moving for change?” | more…

2025, Volume 76, Issue 08 (January 2025)
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Screen capture from "A glimpse into Ningxia"

Some Preliminary Theses on the Concept of Eco-Civilization

In this talk given at Peking University in October 2024, John Bellamy Foster shares ten theses describing both the roots and contemporary manifestations of the idea of ecological civilization. Relating the concept’s origins in the writings of Marx and Engels to its expression today in Chinese society, Foster reveals the inherently socialist nature of eco-civilization and the necessity of a worldwide ecological revolution to shift toward sustainable human development. | more…

2025, Volume 76, Issue 08 (January 2025)
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Soldiers from the U.S. Air Force and Pakistani Air Force bumping fists

The Delusions of Liberal Democracy: Imperialism and Militarism in Pakistan

Against a backdrop of political turmoil and a popular uprising, Aasim Sajjad Akhtar examines how the contradictions of liberal democracy have played out in Pakistan. Exploring the dynamic between the U.S.-backed, militarized Pakistani political elite and the rise of reactionary politician Imran Khan, Akhtar shows how Khan has employed empty anti-imperialist rhetoric to mobilize a discontented populace—and how this could be counteracted with a genuine anti-imperialist movement. | more…

2025, Volume 76, Issue 08 (January 2025)
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Monthly Review Volume 76, Number 7 (December 2024)

December 2024 (Volume 76, Number 7)

As the atrocities visited by Israel upon the Palestinian people continue to multiply, this month’s “Notes from the Editors is a forceful condemnation of not only the Zionist entity, but the entire U.S.-led neoliberal world order. Israel’s relentless pursuit of genocide in Palestine “has destroyed any pretense of a commitment to universal human rights on the part of the West,” undeniably revealing “imperialism and settler colonialism in their most brutal forms” as the entire world watches. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 07 (December 2024)
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Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century

Braverman, Monopoly Capital, and AI: The Collective Worker and the Reunification of Labor

December’s Monthly Review begins the fiftieth-anniversary celebration of Harry Braverman’s seminal work, Labor and Monopoly Capital (Monthly Review Press, 1974), with this Review of the Month by John Bellamy Foster, which explores the connections between Marx’s “collective worker,” Braverman’s “collective scientist,” and the struggle against the degradation of work in the digital age. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 07 (December 2024)
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Workers in a fiber optic cable factory

The Classic Transcending Borders and Ages: Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of ‘Labor and Monopoly Capital’

What was the impact of Labor and Monopoly Capital in its day, and what is its resonance in ours? Kuang Xiaolu, Li Zhi, and Xie Fusheng take stock of Harry Braverman’s influential scholarship over the last half-century. In sum, they write, “with the global expansion of the capitalist mode of production, the significance of Labor and Monopoly Capital has long surpassed narrow national boundaries and the era in which Braverman lived.” | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 07 (December 2024)
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Plastic Pollution covering beach in Accra, Ghana

Monopoly Capital and the Rise of the Synthetic Age

Following Harry Braverman’s assertion that we must examine “by way of concrete historical specific analysis of technology…on one side and social relations on the other” in order to understand the impact of the Scientific-Technical Revolution on our daily lives, John Hedlund and Stefano B. Longo describe the explosion of the Synthetic Age of plastics, revealing the commodification of science in service of capital. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 07 (December 2024)
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Marx' Ökologie: Materialismus und Natur

Preface to the German Edition of Marx’s Ecology

John Bellamy Foster returns to his impactful Marx’s Ecology (Monthly Review Press, 2000), for this new introduction for the recent German translation of the book (Marx’ Ökologie, Edition Assemblage, 2024). “There is no longer any question,” he concludes, “about the depth of Marx’s metabolic critique…or its centrality in terms of the philosophy of praxis in our day.” | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 07 (December 2024)
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