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DPR/MPR building complex in Jakarta

When the Ruling-Class Parties Harden: Indonesia and Great Power Politics in the Indo-Pacific

Iqra Angurah elucidates the strategic role in the Indo-Pacific in the context of the New Cold War and, in particular, the country’s close ties to the forces of multinational capital and Western imperialism. The alignment of the Global North and local elites underscores the need for a popular, socialist, and anti-imperialist movement among the Indonesian working class. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 03 (July-August 2024)
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Xie Zhenhua, Special Representative for Climate Change Affairs

Net-Zero and the China Challenge: Decarbonization amid Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific

As the world hurtles toward planetary catastrophe, driven in large part by the unchecked burning of fossil fuels in the Global North, China has emerged as a leader in renewable energy. This dynamic, Julie de los Reyes and Jewellord Nem Singh contend, mirrors China’s ascendance in many sectors, revealing “the glaring failure of the liberal international order to address pressing social and environmental issues.” | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 03 (July-August 2024)
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Monthly Review Volume 76, Number 2 (June 2024)

June 2024 (Volume 76, Number 2)

In this month’s “Notes from the Editors,” MR editors confront the Tower of Babel that has emerged over Marx’s early “Prometheanism” and later “degrowth communism.” This ahistorical interpretation has engendered further critique of ecosocialism and degrowth on the part of self-identified productivist writers, who attempt incorrectly to paint degrowth as a Malthusian project, rather than a realistic effort to live within Earth’s planetary capacities. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 02 (June 2024)
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The Melbourne incarnation of the Global Climate Strike

Ecosocialism and Degrowth

Originally published in the German journal Widerspruch, Arman Spéth interviews John Bellamy Foster about the growing interest in degrowth thought and the importance of incorporating democratic planning aimed at true equality into all levels of society. And what of the ecosocialist revolution? “Opportunities,” Foster says, “are everywhere. Obstacles, largely a product of the present system, are also everywhere.… Nothing can or will remain the same. That is the very definition of a revolutionary situation.” | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 02 (June 2024)
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Monument to Karl Marx in front of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow

Was Karl Marx a Degrowth Communist?

Brian M. Napoletano considers the implications of recent work by Kohei Saito, in which Saito argues that Marx’s thought progressed from early productivism to middle-stage ecosocialism, and finally to degrowth communism. Napoletano concludes, that in arguing for an artificially contrived “epistemological break” between Marx’s supposed early growth-oriented perspective and his later purported “degrowth communism,” Saito fails to recognize Marx’s actual consistent emphasis throughout his work on a dialectically conceived process of sustainable human development, requiring a true social and ecological revolution. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 02 (June 2024)
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Logo used by Parti Africain de l'Indépendance

The Actuality of Red Africa

What is “Red Africa”? Through an extended treatment of Kevin Ochieng Okoth’s Red Africa: Reclaiming Revolutionary Black Politics (Verso, 2023), Vijay Prashad and Mikaela Nhondo Erskog illuminate the potential for a reinvigorated socialist politics in Africa. In turning away from Afropessimism and Decolonial Studies, the authors catalog the on-the-ground realities at play in pan-African and Marxist social movements today. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 02 (June 2024)
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Entrance to El Maizal Commune

The Dream of a Thing: Refounding the Economy of a Venezuelan Commune

In a vividly drawn account of El Maizal Commune, Chris Gilbert provides readers with a window into the inner workings of a community being refounded with an eye toward building a new “alternative communal economy.” The task, Gilbert finds, is one that is not only revolutionary, but liberating and creative, having the potential to collectively reimagine the social relations of a community. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 02 (June 2024)
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The Myth of Black Capitalism, New Edition

Is Black Capitalism Still a Myth?

The Myth of Black Capitalism, Earl Ofari Hutchinson reflects on the relevance of his work more than fifty years after its initial publication. Even despite the promotion of wealthy Black individuals as model capitalists and COVID recovery schemes purported to help Black entrepreneurs, “Little had changed except the desperation of countless numbers of near penniless, distressed Black small business owners.” | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 02 (June 2024)
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Monthly Review Volume 76, Number 1 (May 2024)

May 2024 (Volume 76, Number 1)

The MR editors revisit the words of Monthly Review editors Harry Magdoff and Paul M. Sweezy, writing in the twenty-fifth-year anniversary issue. Writing on the innate contradictions plaguing the capitalist system, the editors in 1974 noted that the ecological limitations of capital accumulation was “unsolvable” under capitalism, thus setting the stage for the magazine’s continued exploration of ecosocialism as humanity’s future. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 01 (May 2024)
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Albert Einstein (1959), charcoal and watercolor drawing by Alexander Dobkin

Einstein’s “Why Socialism?” and ‘Monthly Review’: A Historical Introduction

For our seventy-fifth anniversary issue, John Bellamy Foster revisits the legacy of Albert Einstein and his deep connections to Monthly Review, including his authorship of the article “Why Socialism?,” published in our first-ever issue in May 1949. Through historical documents and the famed physicist’s own words, Foster rediscovers Einstein’s commitment to socialism in both word and deed, and his collegial ties to MR‘s founding editors. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 01 (May 2024)
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"Honoring agreements by burying them..."

The Council on Foreign Relations, the Israel Lobby, and the War on Gaza

Over six months into to Israel’s atrocity-filled assault on Gaza, Laurence Shoup digs deep to reveal a rarely discussed—but enormously influential—force within the Israel Lobby: the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR, he writes, is more than just Wall Street’s think tank; it is an elite network of Zionist politicians and donors who comprise a significant part of the Israel lobby and the continuing U.S. commitment to funding Israel’s genocidal actions in Palestine. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 01 (May 2024)
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Refugees crossing the Mediterranean sea on a boat, heading from Turkish coast to the northeastern Greek island of Lesbos, 29 January 2016

Return of the Atlantic Route from West Africa to Europe: Imperialism and Regional (De-)Integration

As dangerous trans-Atlantic crossings between Africa and Europe continue to rise, Hannah Cross examines the roots of the ongoing crisis. The discussion around migration, she notes, “overlooks the imperial role of Europe and the United States over borders, migration regimes, regional (de-)integration, and national development projects within Africa.” The solution, therefore, can only be found through genuine liberation and autonomy across the continent, rather than internationally imposed mechanisms benefitting the powerful in the Global North. | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 01 (May 2024)
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Demonstration opposing the practices of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on Sunday, April 26, 2009 in Washington, D.C.

The IMF and Class Struggle in Latin America: Unveiling the Role of the IMF

The International Monetary Fund, part of the Bretton Woods Agreement that helped establish the current rules of the U.S.-dominated international capitalist system, claims to aim for a world of prosperity through so-called free trade. In Latin America, David Barkin and Juan Santarcángelo write, the IMF has contributed to the impoverishment of the working class and destruction of these countries’ ecological legacies. But what does the future hold for the IMF in Latin America? | more…

2024, Volume 76, Number 01 (May 2024)
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