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“Bernie Betrays Roosevelt-Wallace Legacy With Russia Stance”: Jeremy Kuzmarov, via OK Observer


Jeremy Kuzmarov, author, with John Marciano, of The Russians Are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce, recently wrote an op-ed piece for The Oklahoma Observer, enhancing his book’s argument with a Bernie update:

“In its Sept. 9 issue, The Nation ran an interview with presidential candidate Bernie Sanders who spoke about the need for the Democratic Party to be as bold as it was in the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry Wallace. ¶ Sanders specifically advocated for the reinvigoration of an economic bill of rights, which would guarantee a livable wage, free health care, and affordable education. ¶ This latter program is honorable; however, the boldness of Roosevelt and Wallace’s platform rested as much with their foreign as their domestic policies….”

Read the piece at The Oklahoma Observer

The Russians Are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce

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