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“Ecosocialism in the face of capitalist ecocide”: Truthout reviews A Redder Shade of Green

A Redder Shade of Green: Intersections of Science and Socialism
204 pp, $22 pbk, ISBN 9781583676448
By Ian Angus

Reviewed by Eve Ottenberg

“Thanks to climate change, science and socialism have become entwined in ways previously unimaginable. Science brings the news that, unless we act swiftly to control climate change, we will inhabit a dying planet. Socialism traces the causes of this catastrophe to the destructive and chaotic growth model of capitalism and advocates for a different system. Meanwhile, sensing the source of danger to their profits, corporate and government reactionaries fuel disinformation campaigns to discredit science and confuse the public. This has been going on for years, with disastrous results….”

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Copyright, Reprinted with permission

A Redder Shade of Green : Intersections of Science and Socialism

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