Modern Imperialism, Monopoly Finance Capital, and Marx’s Law of Value
250 pp, $29 pbk, ISBN 978-1-58367-655-4
By Samir Amin
Reviewed by Neville Spencer
“One of the most obvious and abhorrent features of the global economy is the stark division of the world into a wealthy ‘North’ and a poor ‘South’. Egyptian-born economist Samir Amin, who passed away in August, often referred to this divide as one of ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’. ¶ Amin, former director of the Third World Forum in Senegal, was renowned as one of the most significant theorists in the field of global economics, uneven development and imperialism. His work is a major reference point in explaining the origin and nature of the North/South divide….”
Read the full review at Green Left Weekly
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