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Marx indeed lives, Saito says–but whose Marx? Houston Review on “Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism”


Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy
308 pp, $29 pbk, ISBN 9781583676400
By Kohei Saito

Reviewed by Adam Benden

“Every revolutionary struggle must fight not just for the future but also for the past. Marx’s work has been foreclosed by its detractors as backwards and naive; if Walter Benjamin was right that even the dead shall not be safe if the enemy is victorious, then Marxists today must accept their defeat…. However, what is always obscured in this move to foreclose the past is the dynamism and constant change in Marx’s thought and the scope of his life’s work…. Just as Juliet Mitchell returned to Freud to correct and expand feminist analysis of patriarchy and psychic development for women, ecosocialists have increasingly returned to Marx to carve out a new path to the future by returning to the past….”

Read the review at Houston Review of Books

Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy

Monthly Review Press
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