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Eduardo Galeano’s Open Veins of Latin America reviewed by

Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

Open Veins of Latin America

Eduardo Galeano Connected the Dots Between Colonialism, Capitalism and Racism

by Mark Karlin

“…It would be an understatement to call Galeano’s stitching together of the South American colonial “project” in Open Veins of Latin America masterful. It is a visionary book that connects the dots between racism, pillaging, capitalism and white Eurocentric patriarchal dominance of peoples and nations. The indigenous populations and people of color have been treated as so much tinder for the fire that heats the homes and replaceable labor that fattens the pocket books of the conquerors.”

Copyright, Reprinted with permission. Read the entire review here!

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