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climate convergence

9/20: John Bellamy Foster & Fred Magdoff at the NYC Climate Convergence

Before corporate and governmental leaders arrive in New York City this September for the UN Climate Summit, System Change Not Climate Change together with the Global Climate Convergence will be laying the groundwork for an alternative summit: the New York City Climate Convergence. The objective is to build and strengthen an environmental movement that addresses the root causes of the climate crises; a social-economic system that values profits above people, planet and peace. John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff will be speaking on Saturday, September 20, at St. John’s University. | more…

9/21: MR Press at the Brooklyn Book Festival (plus talk and signing with Alan Wieder)

Visit the MR Press table at this year’s Brooklyn Book Festival, on Sunday, Sept. 21, 2014, 10am—6pm, at Brooklyn Borough Hall and Plaza. Alan Wieder, author of Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the War against Apartheid, will be at the MRP table for a book signing at 10:30 AM, and will be participating in a festival panel discussion at noon, “Mandela: An American Perspective.” We hope to see you there! | more…

Save Our Unions: Dispatches from A Movement in Distress by Steve Early

Steve Early interviewed in Healthcare-NOW!

Question 1: Both your new book Save Our Unions: Dispatches From a Movement in Distress – and your previous one, The Civil Wars in U.S. Labor – draw on your experience as a union negotiator and longtime single payer activist. In 2008, liberal foundations, major unions, and the AFL-CIO created and financed Health Care for American Now! (HCAN). This lobbying coalition had a name similar to ours but it soon distanced itself from the goal of single payer. In retrospect, what impact did HCAN have on labor’s quest for a better health care system? | more…

indigenous peoples history of the us

Sept. 25: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz speaks in New York City

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, a long-time contributor to and friend of Monthly Review, will be discussing her new book An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States at Bluestockings Books in New York City, on Thursday, September 25, 7pm. | more…

Save Our Unions: Dispatches from A Movement in Distress by Steve Early

Save Our Unions reviewed in LaborOnline

Labor law is outdated and rotten in the US, corporations have an inordinate amount of power, so it is rare that unions win or even strike these days. Solid activist leadership in our unions is rare in these last decades of concessionary bargaining and the sustained war on the working class. The lack of a class perspective by many Americans makes them susceptible to the ugliest sorts of manipulation against their own interests. Steve Early has seen much of it and described it in a clear-eyed fashion in his latest book, Save Our Unions: Dispatches from a Movement in Distress (Monthly Review 2013). It should be read by unionists and their supporters and the more than 60% of Americans who pollsters say would like to be unionized. | more…

Silvertown reviewed in Socialism Today

This is a long overdue account of an important struggle in London’s East End in 1889 with many parallels and lessons for workers today. It was part of a wider upsurge of workers’ struggles that led to a rebirth of the trade union movement, and to the creation of independent working-class political representation in the form of the Labour Party. John Tully explains why this strike has largely been lost in the annals of the labour movement – unlike the famous Bryant & May matchgirls’ strike of 1888 and the London dock strike which was still on as the Silvertown strike started. | more…

John Tully discusses Silvertown on Radio New Zealand

MR Press author John Tully discusses his book Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike that Shook London and Helped Launch the Modern Labor Movement in this interview on “Nights,” a program broadcast by Radio New Zealand. | more…


Gerald Horne and Steve Early at LaborFest Hawaii

Join two MR Press authors, Gerald Horne and Steve Early, at the third annual LaborFest Hawaii, on Friday, September 19th, 2014, 6:00 p.m., at Mark’s Garage in Honolulu, HI. Gerald Horne is the author of Fighting in Paradise: Labor Unions, Racism and Communists in the Making of Modern Hawaii and Race to Revolution; Steve Early is author of Save Our Unions. | more…

Save Our Unions: Dispatches from A Movement in Distress by Steve Early

Steve Early interviewed by Cindy Sheehan

Steve Early, author of Save Our Unions: Dispatches from A Movement in Distress, published by Monthly Review Press, is interviewed by Cindy Sheehan for her radio show “Cindy Sheehan’s Soap Box.” | more…

The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism

The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism reviewed in The Progressive Populist

Don’t let the title scare you. John Bellamy Foster’s The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism: An Elaboration of Marxian Political Economy (Monthly Review Press) is a good read and resource for making sense of the world around us. Foster edits the independent socialist magazine Monthly Review, launched in 1949 with an Albert Einstein essay, and he is a professor of sociology at the University of Oregon. For the past three decades, Foster has been breaking new ground in writing on the ecology, economy and polity in the pages of MR and MR Press. | more…

Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike that Shook London and Helped Launch the Modern Labor Movement

Silvertown reviewed on the Radical Sydney / Radical History blog

John Tully writes in the Preface to his new book, Silvertown – The Lost Story of a Strike that Shook London and Helped Launch the Modern Labour Movement, (Monthly Review Press, 2014), that ‘Conservatives have attacked some of my previous work as being partisan, and this book should upset them again.’ Radical historians, however, will welcome it for precisely that reason. And treasure it, because this is a way of writing labour history – or any history – that academic historians usually run a mile from. Radical historians know that it is impossible to be non-partisan. As Tully explains, ‘Historians must always be scrupulous with the facts, but we should be deeply suspicious of claims that studies of human society can be “value free”.’ | more…

The Contradictions of “Real Socialism”

The Contradictions of “Real Socialism” in the Marx & Philosophy Review of Books

Rather than a historical or dialectical analysis of actually existing socialism, The Contradictions of Real Socialism. The Conductor and the Conducted should be read more as an exercise in the moral psychology of ‘human development’ that, for Michael Lebowitz, should supplement today’s Marxism. The crucial tenet of this kind of socialism is the idea, nay, the ideal of human development. According to the author, the main problem with the old theory and practice of Marxism is that it hosts ‘a distortion that forgot about human beings’. | more…

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