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One Day in December: Celia Sánchez and the Cuban Revolution by Nancy Stout

"The Arrival of the Granma," an excerpt from One Day in December in LINKS: International Journal of Socialist Renewal

The Granma was approaching, slowly. The boat had lost nearly a day plowing through rough seas off the Yucatán peninsula, and only passed the western tip of Cuba, at the remote end of Pinar del Rio Province, at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 29. It then made even slower headway as it traveled east the length of Cuba, following a safe route, far to the south of the island and well out of view of the Coast Guard. Friday, while they were still on this route, their radio had picked up news of the Santiago uprising, but there was no way to increase speed and make up for lost time. Finally, they had seen their beacon, the light at Cabo Cruz, on the night of the 1st, and set course for it. | more…

One Day in December: Celia Sánchez and the Cuban Revolution by Nancy Stout

NEW! One Day in December: Celia Sánchez and the Cuban Revolution by Nancy Stout, foreword by Alice Walker

Celia Sánchez is the missing actor of the Cuban Revolution. Although not as well known in the English-speaking world as Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, Sánchez played a pivotal role in launching the revolution and administering the revolutionary state. She joined the clandestine 26th of July Movement and went on to choose the landing site of the Granma and fight with the rebels in the Sierra Maestra. She collected the documents that would form the official archives of the revolution, and, after its victory, launched numerous projects that enriched the lives of many Cubans, from parks to literacy programs to helping develop the Cohiba cigar brand. All the while, she maintained a close relationship with Fidel Castro that lasted until her death in 1980. | more…

An Introduction to Marx's Capital

An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital reviewed by Workers' Liberty

Michael Heinrich’s book, An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital, (Monthly Review Press 2012) is a lucid and refreshing theoretical interpretation of Marxist political economy. Apparently, it has gone through nine editions in Germany and is used widely in German universities. Heinrich takes inspiration from the “neue Marx Lektüre” (new Marx reading) of Capital. The result is one of best introductions to Capital for the new reader, but also many sophisticated clarifications for those who who’ve already read some Marx. | more…

Walter A. Rodney: A Promise of Revolution

Walter A. Rodney reviewed by A World to Win

The book is a tribute to Walter Rodney’s short but inspiring life which started and ended in Guyana, with periods in Jamaica, London and Tanzania as well as brief visits to the USA and Zimbabwe before his brutal assassination in 1980, aged only 38. Walter A Rodney: A Promise of Revolution is a collection of personal memories of friends and revolutionaries from around the world. | more…

Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution

Michael D. Yates on Hugo Chávez and MR Press

The death of Hugo Chávez saddens those struggling for a better world. He was a great champion of the impoverished workers and peasants of both Venezuela and the world, and a steadfast and bold critic of the rapacious and murderous imperialism of the United States. Monthly Review Press is proud of the books we have published on Venezuela, books which describe, analyze, and show solidarity with the Venezuelan road to democratic socialism. | more…

Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution

Marta Harnecker, A Posthumous Message to Hugo Chávez

Marta Harnecker is the author of Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution, an extended interview with Hugo Chávez, published by Monthly Review Press. This was originally published in The Bullet #778 by the Socialist Project of Canada. | more…

Bush versus Chávez

Eva Golinger, author of Bush versus Chávez, on CNN

Eva Golinger, author of Bush versus Chávez, published by Monthly Review Press, discusses the legacy of Hugo Chávez on CNN. Eva Golinger is an attorney and writer from New York, living in Caracas, Venezuela, since 2005. | more…

The Unlikely Secret Agent reviewed in the Washington Post

In The Unlikely Secret Agent, Ronnie Kasrils, who served as South Africa’s minister for intelligence services, remembers his late wife and the remarkable life she lived. He paints his portrait with the honesty of a good biographer but always with the bittersweet memory of a great love lost. “It is a huge testament to her inner strength and will,” he writes, “that she remained staunch and true to her principles and commitment through the decades.” And it’s a testament to his that he was able to sculpt his recollections into such a poignant and beautiful book. | more…

What Every Environmentalist Needs To Know about Capitalism

March 11: Fred Magdoff Lecture at MIT, Cambridge MA & April 8: Lecture in Troy, NY

Join Fred Magdoff for a discussion of “The Environmental Crisis and Capitalism” on March 11 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts; and a discussion of “Depletion of the World’s Resources” on April 8 in Troy, New York. Fred, a frequent contributor to Monthly Review and MR Press author, is professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the University of Vermont. He is author of numerous articles and books on agriculture, world food problems, and the environment. He is coauthor with John Bellamy Foster of What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism. | more…

One Day in December: Celia Sánchez and the Cuban Revolution by Nancy Stout

Read Alice Walker's Foreword to One Day in December in Monthly Review

Nothing makes me more hopeful than discovering another human being to admire. My wonder at the life of Celia Sánchez, a revolutionary Cuban woman virtually unknown to Americans, has left me almost speechless. In hindsight, loving and admiring her was bound to happen, once I knew her story. Like Frida Kahlo, Zora Neale Hurston, Rosa Luxemburg, Agnes Smedley, Fannie Lou Hamer, Josephine Baker, Harriet Tubman, or Aung San Suu Kyi, Celia Sánchez was that extraordinary expression of life that can, every so often, give humanity a very good name. | more…

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