Steve Early on Book Tour
Embedded With Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Homeand The Civil Wars in U.S. Labor, forthcoming from Haymarket Books, is on book tour. | more…
author ofSteve Early, author of Embedded With Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Homeand The Civil Wars in U.S. Labor, forthcoming from Haymarket Books, is on book tour. | more…
On March 21, Fred Magdoff, co-editor of Agriculture and Food in Crisis, was joined by contributor William Camacaro to discuss the global food crisis, its origins, and how people can respond. Watch the video here. | more…
Michael Perelman, economics professor at CSU Chico, uses the Greek legend of Procrustes, who sadistically shortened or stretched unwary travelers to fit them on his iron bed, as a metaphor for a system that cruelly disciplines workers. In The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism: How Market Tyranny Stifles the Economy by Stunting Workers, Perelman shows how economic theory marginalizes workers and makes a robust case against the idea that competitive markets create freedom. | more…
Why, of all possible commodities, did you choose to write a book on rubber? “It started with direct experience of a rubber factory: namely working on a major overhaul of the Banbury internal mixer at the old Goodyear tire factory in suburban Melbourne. Before that, like most people, I hadn’t given much thought to it. Of course, when I was a small kid it was fascinating stuff, but after that it might as well have been invisible for all the attention I paid to it. Working on the Banbury made me think about it again and it became clear upon reflection that it was a pretty crucial commodity.” | more…
James D. Cockcroft, the author of Mexico’s Revolution Then and Now and Mexico’s Hope, is currently on book tour. | more…
This declaration was adopted at a mass meeting of the Durban Social Forum held in the township of Mpumalanga on August 28, 2001. The DSF was created to organize a response to South Africa’s hosting the UN World Conference Against Racism. Its declaration is a message of solidarity with oppressed people around the world. The original declaration was drafted and adopted in isiZulu, and translated into English. | more…