Gerald Horne, acclaimed historian and author of numerous books, including his forthcoming, Jazz and Justice: Racism and the Political Economy of the Music, talks with Brian Becker, host of Loud & Clear on Sputnik International | more…
In The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism, Gerald Horne weaves together a century of events and processes to demonstrate the depth to which colonial systems of slavery and settler colonialism, which significantly accelerated in the seventeenth century, influenced the foundation of the United States…. | more…
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman.” Martin Luther King said these words in 1966, after more than half a century of failed efforts to achieve a national health program in the United States that provides universal access to services…. | more…
Michael Joseph Roberto of Greensboro had been working for several years on a book maintaining that fascism began to take root in the United States during the ‘so-called prosperous’ 1920s and the Great Depression of the 1930s. Then Donald Trump surprised him and most other Americans by winning the presidency in 2016. ¶ In Roberto’s eyes, Trump’s election confirmed and gave urgency to the ideas driving his book… | more…
Ronnie Kasrils, South African anti-apartheid activist, former South African Minister for Intelligence Services, and author of The Unlikely Secret Agent, appears on RT to talk with Afshin Rattansi, host of Going Underground, about current South African life, the ANC, and how, regarding the current Palestinian struggle, one apartheid compares to another… | more…
Robin Morgan, poet, author, and political theorist, hosts a weekly, hour-long, nationally syndicated radio show based at the Women’s Media Center. On May 12, she talked with Stephanie J. Urdang, South African journalist, activist, and author of Mapping My Way Home: Activism, Nostalgia, and the Downfall of Apartheid South Africa, about the recent election and 25th anniversary of South African liberation. | more…
In her vibrant, politically personal essay, Zillah Eisenstein asks us to consider what it would mean to thread “socialism” to feminism; then, what it would mean to thread “abolitionism” to socialist feminism. Finally, she asks all of us, especially white women, to consider what it would mean to risk everything to abolish white supremacy, to uproot the structural knot of sex, race, gender, and class growing from that imperial whiteness…. | more…
From the perspective of 2019, it’s often difficult to recall the cold war hysteria over East Germany. It was called a secret police state. Everyone there was said to be oppressively monitored if not actively harassed by the Stasi. For Americans, it epitomized communist tyranny. Then along comes Victor Grossman’s memoir, A Socialist Defector–he fled US anticommunism to East Germany in 1952–and the distortions about East Germany (GDR) go right out the window… | more…
Rather than carry out conventional war, over recent months US officials have sought to promote internal divisions, sabotage, and economic collapse within Venezuela. Here’s the full story of Washington’s hybrid war on the country…. | more…
Health Care Under the Knife, composed of 13 incisive chapters by 16 distinguished authors, addresses the gross inequities, blaming capitalism-run-amok as the root cause…. | more…
Jeb Sprague, author of Paramilitarism and the Assault on Democracy in Haiti has appeared twice recently on The Real News Network, talking about current events in the Caribbean, and focusing on the Trump administration’s new aggressive policies toward Cuba and its attempts to divide CARICOM. | more…
In the popular imagination, the German Democratic Republic is indelibly linked with ideas of authoritarianism, poverty, secret police, stuffy bureaucracy and a generalised absence of democracy. ¶ Victor Grossman is uniquely well placed to challenge this McCarthyite narrative. Born in New York in 1928, he joined the Communist Party while studying at Harvard in the late 1940s…. | more…