Colonies and the political economy are two sides of the same coin. In The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism, historian Gerald Horne reveals the actors and factors behind the origin of a racial capitalism that haunts us now. ¶ It is no easy task, but Horne is up to it…. | more…
The United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America—the unwieldy name is usually shortened to United Electrical Workers, or UE—occupies a significant niche in the history of the American labor movement…. | more…
Just out! Gerald Coles’s Miseducating for the Global Economy provides a real education about the twenty-first-century global economy—and what corporations are doing to prevent our learning about it. | more…
Author and activist Stephanie J. Urdang will return to her birthplace, Cape Town, South Africa, for two launches of her memoir, Mapping My Way Home: Activism, Nostalgia, and the Downfall of Apartheid South Africa… | more…
David L. Wilson, with Jane Guskin, is the author of The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers (2nd Edition). In his latest article for Truthout, Wilson asks, “Is there really any reason for the US government to deport non-citizens with criminal records?” | more…
In the 1990s, high tech firms and their mainstream media boosters proclaimed that the Internet and digital technology would unleash a new era that would destroy monopolies, liberate democratic impulses, and usher in what Bill Gates called “frictionless capitalism.” From the first, Monthly Review’s assessment was different. We foresaw instead the ways that the communications revolution would generate monopoly power on a scale never seen before. | more…
This is a terrific book. It deserves to be read carefully by both scholars and activists. In seven well-written chapters, James Young explores the emergence, struggles, victories and setbacks of a radical, democratic union, one that confronted powerful adversaries in the business, labor, and faith-based communities throughout the mid and late twentieth century. | more…
Russia and the Long Transition from Capitalism to Socialism
144 pp, $23 pbk, ISBN 9781583676011
By Samir Amin
Reviewed by Mat Callahan in Socialism and Democracy, vol. 32, no. 1, pp 174-77 | more…
If you’re in New York City June 5, please come to Bluestockings Bookstore and Activist Center and share your post-Left Forum letdown with Howard Waitzkin, author of Health Care Under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health. | more…
Nyeusi U. Jami, host of Revolutionary African Perspectives (WRFG 89.3 FM, Atlanta), talks with Gerald Horne in a four-part interview, about his recent book, The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism in Seventeenth-Century North America and the Caribbean. In part five, the conversation turns to matters involving Dr. Horne’s 2014 book, Race to Revolution: The U.S. and Cuba during Slavery and Jim Crow | more…
Why are many poor children not learning and succeeding in school? For billionaire Bill Gates, who funded the start-up of the failed Common Core Curriculum Standards, and has been bankrolling the failing charter schools movement, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, it’s time to look for another answer, this one at the neurological level. Poor children’s malfunctioning brains, particularly their brains’ “executive functioning”–that is, the brain’s working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibitory control–must be the reason why their academic performance isn’t better…. | more…
Historian and prolific author Gerald Horne talks with Sam Seder, host of The Majority Report, a popular daily political internet show, about one of Dr. Horne‘s latest books, The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism in Seventeenth-Century North America and the Caribbean. | more…
David G. Legge is a teacher and international health policy researcher, based at La Trobe School of Public Health in Melbourne, Australia, who is also active in the global People’s Health Movement. Recently, he wrote a review of four books for the journal Critical Public Health. Three of these books, Health Care Under the Knife; A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism; and Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century, were published by Monthly Review Press. | more…