On April 17, Howard Waitzkin, author of Health Care Under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health, came to Chicago’s Seminary Co-op Bookstore to take part in a Fresh Ayers discussion about capitalism and the health care crisis with the eponymous Bill Ayers | more…
Gerald Horne, author of The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America and, most recently, The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism in Seventeenth-Century North America and the Caribbean, talks with Brian Griffin, host of People’s Republic about 17th century colonial history. | more…
Patrick Farnsworth, host of Last Born in the Wilderness, a weekly podcast, talks to author and historian Gerald Horne about his recent book, The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism in Seventeenth-Century North America and the Caribbean | more…
This latest addition to one of the most prestigious journals on the left is a timely examination of the relationship between socialism and democracy. Decades of Stalinist distortion in Eastern Europe still leave a residual notion in the minds of many that these two concepts are, in fact, antithetical. Throughout the era of the cold war, the Western states propagated the related idea that only capitalism was capable of securing the individual freedoms that are synonymous with the idea of democracy…. | more…
Historian and author Gerald Horne and The Real News Network host Paul Jay discuss Marx’s theory of historical materialism and how, in order to fight injustice today, people need to know the economic roots that give rise to, and perpetuate, inequality. | more…
“What to do?” A short question with a very complex answer. In The World We Wish to See, Samir Amin delves into the contemporary political conjuncture with a succinctness and ease that belies the monuments scope of the topic he addresses—how do counter-hegemonic movements find convergence in diversity, in an age when political lines are being redrawn and new issues are being raised, daily, hourly? | more…
A new book aimed at the socially conscious food activist explores how our food system can be a place for transformation through an alliance between the progressive and radical wings of the food movement. ¶ As advocates for a just food system, most of us try to live by our beliefs. Shopping at the farmers markets: Check. Buying local and grass-fed: Check. We rail against Big Food, yet don’t dare, or bother, to look too far beneath the surface …. We are walking, kale-stuffed characters out of Portlandia, better-intentioned than informed. After all, what are we really doing to change the system?… | more…
Monthly Review Press is offering a 50% discount on selected books about work, workers’ rights, and labor unions—both print and electronic (when available)—starting May 2, and ending midnight May 9, EDT. Just enter the coupon code: WorkIt0518 to receive 50% off at checkout.
If you’re in Chicago Thursday, May 17, you’re invited to FRESH Ayers, a discussion series on various books, conducted by Bill Ayers, social justice activist, author, and teacher, Distinguished Professor of Education (retired) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. This event features MRP author Howard Waitzkin, who’ll talk with Bill about his latest book, Health Care Under the Knife: Moving Beyond the Capitalism for Our Health. | more…
Mark Karlin: How did you settle on the title The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism for your book?
Gerald Horne: In my opinion, discussing profound change in the US without a popularizing of the concept of “settler colonialism” would be akin to seeking change in pre-1994 South Africa without underscoring “apartheid.” By adding “apocalypse,” I wanted to at once contrast this account with past accounts, which have tended to stress the “benefits” of settler colonialism, which obviously elides and obscures (if not justifies) genocide and dispossession targeting the Indigenous population of North America and mass enslavement of Africans…. | more…
On February 21, radical historian Gerald Horne, author, most recently, of The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism in Seventeenth-Century North America and the Caribbean was the featured speaker at The University of North Carolina’s (Chapel Hill) 14th African American History Month Lecture. As he is introduced by history professor Genna Rae McNeil, the video segment below begins Gerald Horne’s lecture… | more…
Christopher Caudwell was a brief and breathtakingly brilliant presence in the world. Born Christopher St John Sprigg in London in 1907, he published prolifically and died fighting in the Spanish civil war in 1937, before he even reached the age of 30…. | more…
Radio Sputnik‘s By Any Means Necessary hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Gerald Horne, eminent radical historian and Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston. Up for discussion are the Black press in America, how the failure to address racial apartheid in America in the past has led to problems today, and the importance of addressing settler colonialism and white supremacy to understand the Trump presidency. Also considered are Dr. Horne’s three most recent books | more…