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“Ragpicking Through History,” we discover, via Salvage, Jimmy Boggs

The American Revolution: Pages from a Negro Worker's Notebook

Salvage, a startling new quarterly of revolutionary arts and letters, brings us “Ragpicking Through History: Class Memory, Class Struggle and its Archivists,” an article by Tithi Bhattacharya, in which James Boggs’s The American Revolution: Pages from a Negro Worker’s Notebook receives notice…

“In 1990, I watched the Polish film maker Krzysztof Kieślowski’s Blind Chance (1981/1987) without registering the paralyzing potential of a particular scene. ¶ The protagonist, Witek, meets an old Communist by chance on a train. As a result of that meeting Witek decides to join the Communist Party…. ¶ If Boggs’s excellent Pages from a Negro Worker’s Notebook were to be summarised as a twitter hashtag it would read: unions need to build social power….”

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