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Progressive Populist + SocialistAction = 2 reviews of “Abolitionist Socialist Feminism”


Abolitionist Socialist Feminism: Radicalizing the Next Revolution
160 pp, $20 cloth, ISBN 978-1-58367-762-9
By Zillah Eisenstein

Reviewed by Seth Sandronsky:

Abolitionist Socialist Feminism: Radicalizing the Next Revolution,” by Zillah Eisenstein, is an ambitious book for our perilous times. The planet is burning, and the author makes her case for left social change as right wing politics spreads in the global North and South. ¶ To this end, she knits together feminism, socialism and abolitionism….”

Read the review at The Progressive Populist

Reviewed by Heather Bradford:

“The feminist movement today is often criticized as ‘white feminism’ or a movement which fights for middle-class or upper-class white women, only giving lip service to racial issues when it furthers their own goals or image…. ¶ Abolitionist Socialist Feminism seeks to remedy of the problem of ‘white feminism’ and color blind socialism by connecting anti-racism, feminism, and socialism….”

Read the review at SocialistAction

Abolitionist Socialist Feminism: Radicalizing the Next Revolution by Zillah Eisenstein

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