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“We Told Him All”: Alan Wieder talks to PopMatters about Studs Terkel

Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, But Mostly Conversation

Alan Wieder, author of Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, but Mostly Conversation recently talked to, an international Web magazine of cultural criticism and analysis, about his favorite subject: Studs Terkel.

“At this writing we Americans find ourselves at the ass end of 2016 after a slog of an election year in which we elected a bankrupted reality TV star as the president elect… The people of the United States have spoken and they do not want progressive, liberal ideas at this time. ¶ For the rest of us, Studs Terkel—the great oral historian, champion of the common man, political activist, radio host, and listener—couldn’t be more relevant now. Author Alan Wieder recently released a timely and engaging biography, Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, but Mostly Conversation. Mr. Wieder and I engaged in some conversation about Terkel’s life and work…”

Read the interview at

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