I know a woman
who knows what it means
to be held down
by ten boys and raped
who didn’t tell anyone
for twenty years.
I know a woman
who knows what it means
to have her girlfriend’s father
slide his finger up her thigh
at the kitchen table,
who didn’t tell anyone
for thirty years
and then it just felt like
too much time had passed
and he really didn’t do anything, anyway,
not like the man in the woods
where she was walking
five years later.
I know a woman
who knows what it means
to be visited at night
by her father,
how she stayed quiet, hoping
her sister in the next bed
wouldn’t wake up
and become his next victim,
who didn’t tell anyone
for 35 years,
still believing
he would kill her.
When he died last year,
she finally confided
in her sister,
who knew exactly
what she meant.
I know a woman
who knows what it means
to be groped by a boss,
patted on the ass
by a customer,
fired for not acquiescing
to him, or him or him.
After 10, 20, 30 years
she is speaking up
and he and he and he
are finally getting
their balls busted.
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