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The Extreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court building

U.S. Supreme Court building. By USCapitol - U.S. Supreme Court Building, Public Domain, Link

Their values are clear
as a sheet of glass: people
of color, those without
lots of money don’t deserve
college or debt relief.

Those too poor to air-
condition, fly off to a cool
island aren’t needed
any longer. They die so
easily. Let them.

The government should
never meddle with corporate
profits, but wicked women
who like sex should die
or at least suffer.

This should be a Christian
nation as they interpret it.
Tighten it up. Punish children
who dare to be hungry.
Public education is a waste.

The rich are holy, god says
so, should be honored,
handed whatever they want.
Their god is a tyrant so much
like Trump He becomes him.

Marge Piercy is the author of twenty books of poetry, most recently On the Way Out, Turn Off the Light, plus seventeen novels, a memoir, a short story collection, and five nonfiction books.
2025, Volume 76, Issue 08 (January 2025)
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