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Medical Paperwork

Disease, Disability, and Paternalism in the Fight for Medicare for All

The sick and disabled need true co-conspirators who hold politicians accountable, who value the sick and disabled as expert strategists speaking to the needs of the community; who understand and amplify our urgency and our anger. We need universal, single-payer health care—comprehensive care for all, regardless of income or health status—now. | more…

2021, Volume 73, Number 7 (December 2021)
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Monthly Review Volume 19, Number 8 (January 1968)

‘El Patojo’

A few days ago, a cable brought the news of the death of some Guatemalan patriots, among them Julio Roberto Cáceres Valle. In this difficult job of a revolutionary, in the midst of class wars which are convulsing the entire continent, death is a frequent accident. But the death of a friend, a comrade during difficult hours and a sharer in dreams of better times, is always painful for the person who receives the news, and Julio Roberto was a great friend. | more…

2021, Volume 73, Number 7 (December 2021)
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