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Gerald Horne on Trump’s bombing Syria, via The Real News Network

gerald horne

gerald horne

Paul Jay of The Real News Network talks to historian Gerald Horne, author of several books, including Confronting Black Jacobins: The United States, the Haitian Revolution, and the Origins of the Dominican Republic and Race to Revolution: The U.S. and Cuba during Slavery and Jim Crow

PAUL JAY: So, what do you make of this moment? Trump is under attack for being pro-Russian, and just a few days ago he talks about overthrowing Assad is not the target. Which must have royally — excuse the language — pissed off a whole lot of the American foreign policy establishment.
GERALD HORNE: Well, I think you put your finger on a major issue, that this attack on Syria can be easily interpreted as a kind of wag the dog strategy by Mr. Trump. That is to say, the bloodhounds were on his trail, as a result of his pre-November 2016 contacts with Moscow. Supposedly helping him to defeat Hillary Rodham Clinton, and to show that he can stand up to Moscow, he launches this attack. It leads to Moscow, basically saying that the hotline, which was designed to prevent the U.S. Air force, and the Russian Air force, from colliding over the skies of Syria, that that hotline is now no longer operative….”

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