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“Is This the Moment for the Working Class?” –Counterpunch reviews “Can the Working Class Change the World?”


Can the Working Class Change the World?
218 pp, $19 pbk, ISBN 978-1-58367-710-0
By Michael D. Yates

Reviewed by Louis Proyect

“The cover for Michael Yates’s Can the Working Class Change the World? was a stroke of genius. Ralph Fasanella’s ‘The Great Strike (IWW Textile Strike, 1912)’ sets the tone for a book that has deep roots in working-class struggles in the USA and that shares the artist’s solidarity with the people who take part in them. Fasanella’s father delivered ice to people in his Bronx neighborhood and his mother worked in a neighborhood dress shop drilling holes into buttons. In her spare time, she was an anti-fascist activist. The family’s experience informed his art just as Michael Yates’s working class roots and long career as a labor activist and educator shapes his latest book….”

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Can the Working Class Change the World?

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