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Monthly Review Needs Your Help!


Now More Than Ever

As the world struggles to comprehend how a grandiose, failed businessman could become CEO of the United States of America, we are reminded of what Karl Marx wrote about the 19th century rise to power of another dubious character, Louis Bonaparte, and the conditions that made it possible for this “grotesque mediocrity to play a hero’s part.”
(Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte)

The challenges we face here and now underscore the need to support independent, nonprofit publishing. Monthly Review and MR Press give people the tools to understand why the economy works the way it does, why our government fails to serve the people, why the environment is in crisis, why this country chooses the leaders it does.

We exist because there is a community that values our work. We have no deep pockets, no wealthy contributors. We operate on a shoestring budget. Please help us continue our work in the coming year by making a donation today.

Thank you for your support!

In Solidarity,
Monthly Review

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Monthly Review | Tel: 212-691-2555
134 W 29th St Rm 706, New York, NY 10001