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Class Dismissed reviewed in The Progressive Populist

This much is true. Americans with bachelor’s degrees and up earn higher pay than high school grads. Yet a third of the future jobs statewide created in the next 10 years, will require, at most, no more than a 12th-grade education. Meanwhile, US income inequality and poverty has been rising over the past three decades. Why has and does education bear the burden that it does for what ails the nation’s populace? | more…

NEW! José Carlos Mariátegui: An Anthology

José Carlos Mariátegui is one of Latin America’s most profound but overlooked thinkers. A self-taught journalist, social scientist, and activist from Peru, he was the first to emphasize that those fighting for the revolutionary transformation of society must adapt classical Marxist theory to the particular conditions of Latin America. This volume collects his essential writings, including many that have never been translated and some that have never been published. | more…

Michael Yates discusses a double-dip recession on

A few months ago, it looked like the Great Recession was over and the economy on its way to full recovery. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury had bailed out the nation’s financial sector and engaged in enough deficit spending to stop the dramatic rise in unemployment. The major European economies were holding their own, and the rising BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) economies seemed to be taking up any global slack in consumer demand and capital investment. Gross domestic product (GDP) here and in many other nations had stopped falling and started rising, sometimes dramatically. | more…

Revolutionary Doctors reviewed on Upside Down World

Modelled on Che Guevara’s principles and keeping in line with the Cuban revolution, Steve Brouwer’s assessment of Cuba’s health care system in his book Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba Are Changing the World’s Conception of Health Care (Monthly Review Press, July 2011) stands as a testimony to answer anyone claiming that socialism cannot function. Cuban doctors have regaled people in Latin America and around the world with medical opportunities which, in capitalist ideology and implementation, remain remote. | more…

What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know about Capitalism reviewed in Links

Resolving the ecological crisis is incompatible with capitalism. We must build a movement that works against capitalist logic with the aim to overcoming it in favour of a properly sustainable and egalitarian form of society. This is the contention persuasively presented by Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster in their recently published book What every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism. | more…

Steve Brouwer in Maine, November 2 & 3

Join the author of Revolutionary Doctors for talks at the University of Maine in Farmington and Orono, and at the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine on November 3rd. | more…

Steve Brouwer in Washington DC, October 6

Join Steve Brouwer, author of Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba are Changing the World’s Conception of Health Care, for a talk at the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Washington DC, on October 6. | more…

The People's Lawyer author Albert Ruben on the CCR's suit against the Pope

When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger celebrated his Papal inaugural mass in 2005 it’s reasonable to assume he didn’t expect in the course of his reign to be facing charges in the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. If the Center for Constitutional Rights prevails, that is precisely what awaits him. | more…

The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism reviewed on Counterfire

That capitalism is not a rewarding or healthy system for the vast majority of workers may not come as news to most of us, but as Perelman points out in this interesting book, such understanding has never been part of mainstream economics. Following Adam Smith, capitalist economics has concentrated on transactions – the operation of the market – to the exclusion of production, and therefore of the conditions under which production happens. The result, Perelman argues, is not just appalling conditions for workers but, in capitalist terms an even worse consequence, the diminution of profits. | more…

John Bellamy Foster

John Bellamy Foster in Australia, Sept. 30

John Bellamy Foster will deliver the keynote speech, “Capitalist Crises, Ecology, and Socialism,” at the World at a Crossroads: Climate Change, Social Change conference in Carlton South, Australia, on September 30th. He will be joined by Ian Angus and many others; the conference is organized by Green Left Weekly, Resistance, and the Socialist Alliance. Register today! | more…

John Marsh interviewed on History for the Future, WRCT-Pittsburgh 88.3 fm

John Marsh discusses his new book, Class Dismissed: Why We Cannot Teach or Learn Our Way Out of Inequality. Marsh’s study asks some uncomfortable questions about the limits of education as a tool for eliminating inequality and poverty in the United States. On the show, he discusses how over the course of American history, but especially since World War II, education has became increasingly viewed as the central method for reducing poverty and inequality. Meanwhile, other remedies, including redistribution through higher wages or social programs, have been pushed to the margins of political thought. | more…

Samir Amin

Samir Amin on 9.11 [video]

Noted world-systems theorist Samir Amin provides a deep perspective on the last ten years—from 9.11 to the Arab Spring—by tracing the historical trajectory of world capitalism and posing the question: are we ending the crisis of capitalism or ending capitalism in crisis? Recorded live in Cairo and first broadcast at the Brecht Forum in New York City on September 11, 2011. Moderated by Biju Mathew. | more…

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