There is no oppression. Just lean
in to the corporate machine, become
part of its vast personhood. You too
every one of you can be a millionaire
if you just try harder, gaze upward.
And you can win a lottery or two,
give birth to or father a perfect plastic
child who will become an even
richer millionaire with no teen
problems [or you have failed].
You’ll be good looking till 90;
anything bad can be replaced.
Luck’s a ripe fruit hanging high over
your head, so jump. Keep jumping.
Of course you can have it all:
that life snuffing pink slip, cancer
from chemicals some corporation
pissed into the water table, rotten
mortgage to steal what little you
saved before you started bagging
at Wal-marts, rape in the parking
lot, your family splintered under
the weight of failure, cheap nursing
home, urine soaked bed. Lean in,
lean in. Your grave is already dug.
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