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Mapping My Way Home a “heartfelt memoir”: Independent Publisher

What’s wrong with Africa? Political unrest, genocide, and one socio-economic disaster after another has plagued the continent since it gained independence in the 1960’s. Africa’s political and economic performance has been weak by world standards, mostly due to corrupt leadership and bad policies. Sadly, the African people have little to show for a generation of self-rule. ¶ With this bleak reality as a backdrop, Stephanie Urdang’s memoir about life as a white South African political activist gives readers a behind-the-scenes view of her frustrations and triumphs… | more…

“Must-Read for understanding Arab Spring”: Socialism & Democracy on The Reawakening of the Arab World

Samir Amin is best known for his 1989 book, Eurocentrism, a seminal entry in critical theory on the Middle East which remains essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the political and economic problems facing the region today. Amin’s present book places the Arab Spring into the theoretical framework of Eurocentrism. It insightfully argues that the uprisings of 2011 fit into the long struggle for emancipation in the Arab Middle East that goes back a century… | more…

PopMatters talks to Eric Holt-Giménez about A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism

When people talk about the food system being ‘broken,’ Eric Holt-Gimenez is quick to correct them. ¶ There’s nothing broken about the food system, says the executive director of Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy. Over-production, hunger, wastage, slavery — it’s working exactly the way a capitalist food system should work. ¶ It’s capitalism that’s the problem…. | more…

Paul Burkett on Kohei Saito’s Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism, via Climate & Capitalism

In a recent C&C article, ‘Essential Books on Marxism and Ecology,’ I identified two books, Marx and Nature by Paul Burkett, and Marx’s Ecology by John Bellamy Foster, as foundational contributions to our understanding of Marx’s views on the relationship between society and nature…. ¶ Those important books are now joined by a third work from Kohei Saito… | more…

New! Rethinking Democracy: Socialist Register 2018

For years, intellectuals have argued that, with the triumph of capitalist, liberal democracy, the Western World has reached “the end of history.” Recently, however, there has been a rise of authoritarian politics in many countries. Concepts of post-democracy, anti-politics, and the like are gaining currency in theoretical and political debate. Now that capitalist democracies are facing seismic and systemic challenges, it becomes increasingly important to investigate not only the inherent antagonism between liberalism and the democratic process, but also socialism. Is socialism an enemy of democracy? Could socialism develop, expand, even enhance democracy? | more…

Ecosocialism or planetary barbarism: International Socialist Review considers Facing the Anthropocene

According to Stephen Bannon and Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt, poor little America got hoodwinked by devious Asians, signing a deal that would wreck the economy and throw millions of people out of work, especially (white) coal miners in Appalachia, whom the president loves dearly. Climate change is an insignificant issue compared to these hardships and injustices. Coal is a fantastic fuel that will return America to greatness. ¶ Contrast this with the closing of Ian Angus’s Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System… | more…

ResoluteReader reviews A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism

There is a growing movement of people thinking about how their food is grown, what it contains and its impact on their health and the environment. Often this is tied up with an individualistic view of improving the world – the idea that you can save the world by simply choosing the best food with the least impact on the planet. Eric Holt-Giménez explains he wrote “A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism” precisely to argue that this approach is inadequate… | more…

Is Capitalism a Barrier to Food Justice? Author Eric Holt-Giménez interviewed by Civil Eats

No consumer, farmer, or activist participates in the food system without also participating in capitalism. To Eric Holt-Giménez, the director of Food First, this is a basic truth that’s too often overlooked in the struggle to change our broken food system. In his new book, A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism, Holt-Giménez delineates the basic truths of capitalism and how they are connected to the history of our food system. Part history book, part practical guide, the book links many of the injustices associated with food to other inequities, arguing that capitalism fuels and is fueled by oppression. If we better understand “the rudiments of how capitalism operates,” he explains, ‘we can better grasp why our food system is the way it is, and how we can change it | more…

A Foodies Guide to Capitalism

Super-Size that Commodity: A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism reviewed by Resilience

Don’t expect a whole lot of taste when you sit down to a plateful of commodities. That might be a fitting but unintended lesson for foodies who work through the new book by Eric Holt-Giménez. A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism will reward a careful reader with lots of insights—but it won’t do much for the taste buds. While A Foodie’s Guide is lacking in recipes or menu ideas, it shines in helping us to understand the struggles of the men and women who work in the farms and packing plants… | more…

Calling out the corporate program to deform schools: Educational Justice reviewed by Counterfire

Howard Ryan is an educationalist and journalist, who has written a handbook that offers ‘theory, strategy and organizing case studies to inform and inspire those who are working to rebuild public education and put an end to the corporate occupation of our schools’. The book can be read as a whole, or can be used as a reference guide to explore some key ideas, as the book is neatly divided up into sections… | more…

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