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“New Era Demands Cooperation, Not Competition”: Facing the Anthropocene reviewed in Earth Island Journal

Ian Angus’ Facing the Anthropocene is required reading. Why? Angus weds natural and social processes of planetary import in 2016. To this end, his ‘essential background and context’ advances a vital discussion. The book, short and sweet at 277 pages, joins a literature of eco-social critiques from radical writers such as Paul Burkett, Brett Clark, Rebecca Clausen, John Bellamy Foster, Naomi Klein, and Stefano B. Longo. Foster’s Foreword sets the stage… | more…

Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, But Mostly Conversation

“Studs Terkel—Interpreter of America” via Counterpunch

“…In the world of the word, Studs Terkel was a multi-talented man. He was an actor, a playwright, an organizer, a deejay, and an interviewer, among other things. Mostly, however, as Alan Wieder makes clear in his newly-published biography of Terkel, he was an ‘interpreter of America.’ His ability to not only listen, but also to ask the right questions of an interviewee, made his radio shows and books of oral history not only informative and enjoyable; those interviews became the standard to which others strived to achieve. It was as if Terkel had a certain magic once the tape recorder was turned on…..” | more…

“Studs Terkel: listener and humanitarian” via Radio New Zealand

Alan Wieder, author of Studs Terkel: Politics, Culture, but Mostly Conversation, talks with Wallace Chapman on Radio New Zealand‘s weekly show, “Sunday Morning”
“Wieder says that wherever Terkel was, he believed people had something to say.
Terkel captured Chicago’s racism in the ’70s through an interview with a policeman for his book Working: People who talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do…” | more…

Facing the Anthropocene reviewed in Britain’s Weekly Worker

“On August 29 of this year the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) recommended to the International Geological Congress (IGC) that the ‘Anthropocene’ – the epoch when human activity has had a significant impact on the ecosystem – should have formal recognition. Ian Angus’s book is therefore highly relevant – the AWG hopes that recognition will be forthcoming at the next IGC, which will take place in Delhi in 2020….” | more…

Ian Angus Calls Out “A new and disturbing era in human history”

“A growing number of scientists, environmentalists and other experts have come to the conclusion that the human race has had such a deep and fundamental impact on the planet that we have effectively entered into a new geological age in the history of the Earth. They argue that the changes that have been brought about by human activity over the past 200 years, but more specifically since the end of the Second World War, has had a permanent effect on our ecology. We have, they say, moved from the Holocene to the Anthropocene epoch, one which future scientists will be able to pinpoint just by studying these effects on our environment….¶ Ian Angus will hold a book launch for Facing the Anthropocene at Octopus Books, 251 Bank Street, 2nd floor, Ottawa, on September 27 at 7 pm.” | more…

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