Socialist Register 2016: The Politics of the Right
382pp, $29 pbk
by Leo Panitch and Gregory Albo
Reviewed by Seth Sandronsky
“Far-right forces are on the move in and out of the US. Socialist Register 2016: The Politics of the Right, edited by Leo Panitch and Greg Albo, delivers crisp analyses of this trend…. A recurring theme in the book is the process of political centrism drifting to the right. This move enhances authoritarianism, a cultural feature of modern politics in the post Sept. 11 era…. Hard right politics dovetails with policing of national minorities. Lesley Wood outlines three related trends: “intelligence-led policing, community policing and strategic incapacitation protest policing,” which confront movements such as Black Lives Matter, pushing back for public control over this state function.
Socialist Register 2016 delivers specificities of hard-right politics near and far. It is essential reading.”
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