Our America: Writings on Latin America and the Struggle for Cuban Independence
Presents the celebrated Cuban revolutionary’s thoughts on “Nuestra America,” the Latin American Martí fought to make free. | more…
Presents the celebrated Cuban revolutionary’s thoughts on “Nuestra America,” the Latin American Martí fought to make free. | more…
Explores the emergent threat of U.S. imperialism from 1881 to 1895. | more…
This volume covers the imposition of the U.S. domination over Cuba through the Platt Amendment, which marks the beginning of U.S. neocolonialism. | more…
Argues that the Cuban nation was a central protagonist in the conflict — rather than a passive victim of a conflict between great powers. | more…
An in-depth analysis of nearly all chemical and biological weapons, their effects, and the politics surrounding their deployment. | more…
The questions below were submitted, in writing, to Comandante Guevara by Leo Huberman during the week of the invasion; the answers were received the end of June. | more…
One of the most influential studies ever written in the field of development economics, this book has, since first publication in 1957, bred a whole school of followers who are producing further works along the lines indicated by Baran. Concerned with the generation and use of economic surplus, it analyzes from this point of view both the advanced and the underdeveloped countries. A work in political economy rather than solely in economics, this book treats the economic transformation of society as one facet of a total social and political evolution. | more…
Compelling narrative of Norman Bethune, revolutionary doctor in Mao’s China. | more…
Since its first publication in 1942, this book has become the classic analytical study of Marxist economics. Written by an economist who is a master of modern academic theory as well as Marxist literature, it has been recognized as the ideal textbook in its subject. Comprehensive, lucid, authoritative, it has not been challenged or even approached by any later study. | more…
Bukharin’s 1929 anticipation of the growth of the internationalization of capital. | more…