Over the last quarter century—and especially since the beginning of Israel’s latest genocidal incursion into Palestine in October 2023—the term “settler colonialism” has proliferated in academic and popular discourse. In February’s “Review of the Month,” John Bellamy Foster connects readers to thinkers from around the globe and across time to illustrate the phenomenon of settler colonialism as a dimension of imperialism, and thus capitalism, driven by a rapacious extractivism that threatens the whole of humanity. | more…
As the atrocities visited by Israel upon the Palestinian people continue to multiply, this month’s “Notes from the Editors is a forceful condemnation of not only the Zionist entity, but the entire U.S.-led neoliberal world order. Israel’s relentless pursuit of genocide in Palestine “has destroyed any pretense of a commitment to universal human rights on the part of the West,” undeniably revealing “imperialism and settler colonialism in their most brutal forms” as the entire world watches. | more…
Monthly Review editors elucidate Samir Amin’s concept of “delinking” in the context of the rise of global multipolarity. Delinking, they write, does not aim to isolate individual nations and populations economically, “but rather finding a way to sever connections with the main mechanisms of imperial dominance.” | more…
While Israel’s horrific assaults on the people of Gaza continue, the voices against the U.S. support for the Zionist state grow ever-louder. This spring, the fight spilled onto college campuses. In this month’s “Notes,” MR editors take the long view, starting with the Free Speech Movement over half a century ago. | more…
Over six months into to Israel’s atrocity-filled assault on Gaza, Laurence Shoup digs deep to reveal a rarely discussed—but enormously influential—force within the Israel Lobby: the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR, he writes, is more than just Wall Street’s think tank; it is an elite network of Zionist politicians and donors who comprise a significant part of the Israel lobby and the continuing U.S. commitment to funding Israel’s genocidal actions in Palestine. | more…
Scrutinizes possibilities for an equalised global order, in light of recent conflicts between the world’s major powers
The “post-Cold War era is definitively over,” asserted US President Joe Biden as he launched the new National Security Strategy, warning in late 2022 that “a competition is underway between the major powers to shape what comes next.” American leadership, the document declared, would be more necessary than ever to define “the future of the international order,” insisting that the US must marshal its unparalleled economic, military, and diplomatic resources to confront its rivals.
Socialist Register 2024: A New Global Geometry? takes stock of momentous changes
As Israel continues its atrocities in Gaza, the editors examine the nature of exterminism and its relation to what threatens to become a permanent Nakba. The explicit aim, they contend, of Zionism’s settler colonial project is nothing less than the extermination—in the classical sense of the term—of the entire Palestinian population. | more…
At the time of writing in late November 2023, Israel has continued its merciless assault on Gaza, which has killed tens of thousands at horrifying rates, as it also condones Israeli settler terrorism against Palestinians living in the West Bank. | more…
In this review of Linda Dittmar’s Tracing Homelands, Paul Buhle writes, “History may yet hold hope when hope is otherwise lacking when we reject the stalemate that only leads to despair.” | more…
This month, the editors discuss the U.S. threat of a “new Opium War against China” found in the pages of the Air Force’s Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs. In addition, MR affirms its solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle against genocide. | more…
Originally a storytelling project of JVP-NYC, A Land With A People: Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism, is a collection of personal stories, history, poetry, and art which elevates rarely heard Palestinian and Jewish voices. | more…