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NEW: Social Structure and Forms of Consciousness, Volume II by István Mészáros

In The Dialectic of Structure and History, Volume Two of Social Structure and Forms of Consciousness, István Mészáros brings the comprehension of our condition and the possibility of emancipatory social action beyond the highest point reached to date. Building on the indicatory flashes of conceptual lightning in the Grundrisse and other works of Karl Marx, Mészáros sets out the relations of structure and agency, individual and society, base and superstructure, nature and history, in a dialectical totality open to the future. | more…

The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism

The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism reviewed in Sacramento News & Review

Michael Perelman, economics professor at CSU Chico, uses the Greek legend of Procrustes, who sadistically shortened or stretched unwary travelers to fit them on his iron bed, as a metaphor for a system that cruelly disciplines workers. In The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism: How Market Tyranny Stifles the Economy by Stunting Workers, Perelman shows how economic theory marginalizes workers and makes a robust case against the idea that competitive markets create freedom. | more…

Interview with John Tully, author of The Devil's Milk: A Social History of Rubber

Why, of all possible commodities, did you choose to write a book on rubber? “It started with direct experience of a rubber factory: namely working on a major overhaul of the Banbury internal mixer at the old Goodyear tire factory in suburban Melbourne. Before that, like most people, I hadn’t given much thought to it. Of course, when I was a small kid it was fascinating stuff, but after that it might as well have been invisible for all the attention I paid to it. Working on the Banbury made me think about it again and it became clear upon reflection that it was a pretty crucial commodity.” | more…

Durban Social Forum Declaration

This declaration was adopted at a mass meeting of the Durban Social Forum held in the township of Mpumalanga on August 28, 2001. The DSF was created to organize a response to South Africa’s hosting the UN World Conference Against Racism. Its declaration is a message of solidarity with oppressed people around the world. The original declaration was drafted and adopted in isiZulu, and translated into English. | more…

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