Without trivializing the hardships of often several years in jail, Wilber and Lembcke dissect personal accounts by former POWs. They point out contradictions, distinguish between physical punishment measures and deliberate violence, reconstruct different phases in the history of the prisons, and conclude that brutal treatment and torture were less common and systematic than purported. | more…
Seattle’s working class and its ‘intense localism’ as ‘unparalleled’ allowing these workers to form a ‘radical consensus’ with fluid political lines ‘left, right and center’ positioning the IWW, the Socialist, and the craft union’s Central Labor Council (CLC) leaders ‘on the same stage, in the same demonstrations, and on the same street corners’…. | more…
“When they try to get you to meet them halfway like. ‘well, U.S. imperialism is bad, but Venezuela is kind of bad too, or Cuba’s kind of bad too…no, we’re not going to meet you halfway.” | more…
Presentado por William Castillo, con Joe Emersberger, sobre su libro Amenaza Extraordinaria. El imperio estadounidense, Los Medios de Comunicación y los Veinte Años de Intentos de Golpe de Estado en Venezuela. | more…
On Thursday, November 18th, at 4 PM ET, in conversation with Rep. Jamie Raskin, the Democratic congressman who led the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump, Michael Tigar spoke at the Institute for Policy Studies about his recent book “Sensing Injustice: A Lawyer’s Life in the Battle for Change.” | more…
“In short, the principle is that journalistic organizations will be paid in advance, and what they produce primarily with public monies will be instantly put in the public domain and made available to all for free. The best check on abuses will be popular voting to determine the recipients. The process will be overseen by the U.S. Postal Service, with elections taking place online and with print ballots available at or through the Postal Service. This is a renewal of the Postal Service’s historic mission of sustaining independent and competitive journalism…” | more…
Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked a bizarre question at President Joe Biden’s November 3 press briefing. The president seemed to misunderstand the question, which referred to potential settlements of a lawsuit stemming from the Trump administration’s notorious 2017–18 family separation policy. Biden bungled his response, apparently calling reports about the settlement “garbage.” Not surprisingly, the media ran with the story of Biden’s blunder. Doocy’s question, on the other hand, was mostly ignored or played down…. | more…
It is well-established that African-Americans have sought allies abroad as a way to weaken opposition at home. Often, scholars have tackled this important topic as it manifested during the Cold War. The work at hand emulates previous scholarship in detailing this trend during the antebellum and early postbellum era… | more…