…Itoh introduces, compares and contrasts the development of the two most historically significant branches of Japanese Marxism, the ‘Rōnō-ha’ and ‘Kōza-ha’ schools. He then goes on to discuss the particular approach he favours, the ‘Uno’ school… | more…
It’s true that as of June, this fiscal year’s apprehensions had topped 1 million for the first time since 2006. Still, this only seems high because of a sharp contrast with the previous 14 years…. | more…
The sanctions have severely affected the commune’s production and also the life of the pueblo. Imperialism finished off Iraq and Libya, and they are trying to do the same with us. Sanctions amount to a declaration of war…. | more…
Every major economic step taken by the Narendra Modi government, from Goods and Services Tax, to demonetisation, to the farm laws, has been aimed against the petty production sector and has sought to carry forward the process of primitive accumulation of capital, in accordance with the neoliberal agenda. | more…
Lamrani abundó que en este contexto de doble castigo bloqueo-pandemia resulta lógico el malestar de las personas, escenario que Estados Unidos busca aprovechar para conseguir su objetivo trazado desde el triunfo de la Revolución en 1959: ‘romper el orden establecido y conseguir un cambio de régimen’…. | more…
Shelter and Solidarity brings together Vijay Prashad, Ezili Dantò and Moise St Louis to try to come to terms with the Haitian and Cuban peoples’ complex responses to forced reverse-reparations, sanctions, invasions, and constant threats of “regime change”…. while keeping a focus on what we have to do, as activists in the heart of the Empire…. | more…
“You can visualize as I speak, jobs floating across the Pacific,” putting China in the passing lane. “But if that were not enough, U.S. imperialism also faces a lesser challenge from the countries of the European Union on the Atlantic side of the equation…” | more…
It is with this attentiveness to the historic shortcomings and duplicity of left organizations that Yates rejects so-called democratic socialism, which even in its heyday failed to fundamentally challenge capitalism. Setting our sights on the mere (and, as history shows, inevitably temporary) reform of a fundamentally exploitative system instead reflects a colossal failure of imagination akin to the prisoner who spends all his energy advocating for a larger window in his cell… | more…
“….it’s also striking to note that Haiti has all kinds of natural resources, including gold! They’re licking their lips on Wall Street, salivating, contemplating the possibility of descending en masse on Haiti to exploit Haiti’s vast natural resources.” | more…
Marge Piercy asks: “Can thousands in the street change our long, laudy history, now?” | more…
It’s a set of loose propositions that fundamentally come down to this. If you look at the overrepresentation of black Americans in prisons or the overrepresentation in terms of being suspended from schools K through 12, you can come to one or two conclusions. You can come to the conclusion that there is something wrong with black people, or you can come to the conclusion that there’s something wrong with society…. | more…