Studies in the Labor Theory of Value
This pioneering survey of the development of the “labor theory of value,” advances Marxian economic categories for contemporary conditions. | more…
This pioneering survey of the development of the “labor theory of value,” advances Marxian economic categories for contemporary conditions. | more…
This is an illuminating interpretation of the life and work of twenty-two major literary figures during three hundred years of English literature. It reveals how they were rooted in the political and social movements of their own time, with representative selections from their writings. In two volumes. | more…
Since its first publication in 1942, this book has become the classic analytical study of Marxist economics. Written by an economist who is a master of modern academic theory as well as Marxist literature, it has been recognized as the ideal textbook in its subject. Comprehensive, lucid, authoritative, it has not been challenged or even approached by any later study. | more…
“The most successful attempt to date to humanize the Dismal Science and link the history of man to the history of economic theory.” —The New Yorker | more…
Bukharin’s 1929 anticipation of the growth of the internationalization of capital. | more…