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Horne unmasks U.S. strategies to dominate the globe, starting with Gaza (Listen: The Socialist Program with Brian Becker )

As a long-time, consistent analyst of this settler colonialist society, and the writer of books on many disparate topics, Horne is in a position to weigh in with some clear perspective on Israel and Historic Palestine. In an interview with Brian Becker, Horne lay out some of the specific manifestations of a shifting political climate, and argued that if anything, the bombardment of Gaza has severely backfired…. | more…

Beyond the Golden Globes: Michael Tigar, author of “Sensing Injustice,” interviews Nancy Hollander

Up to the release of his updated memoir, Sensing Injustice, and in the midst of many interviews and events, Michael Tigar and Nancy Hollander took the time to have a chat. That is, one legendary lawyer interviewed the other, and in this case, Tigar was full of questions for Hollander.

Tigar’s interview began with the case of Mauritanian Mohamedou Ould Slahi, one of the far too many detainees tortured, and held for years on end without charges, at Guantanamo Bay. After Slahi’s 14 years of administrative detention, Hollander was one of the very few lawyers who was able to secure a Guantanamo detainee’s

The fragmentation of Palestinian society, the ripping of the Israeli social fabric: “The Arabs in Israel,” by Sabri Jiryis

The seeds of today’s turmoil across Israeli cities have been well-documented for many years, actually decades. My longtime friend Atty. Sabri Jiryis wrote a classic in 1966 titled, The Arabs in Israel. One of the first law graduates of the Hebrew University and a prominent Palestinian activist, the first edition of his book was written in Hebrew only to have the Israeli military censor block its publication. | more…

Gerald Horne makes you think – about the lie of the docile subject, from America to Palestine (Watch: Conscious Mindset)

One main thread runs through every aspect of every story: Stories of Black rebellion and resistance. When Horne tells of Texas’ efforts to secede and the impact of the arsons of 1860, allegedly set by slaves, he comments, “Our enemies are the ones who put out the rumor that we’re docile, because they want us to be docile today.”  That’s fallacious, he says. “Arsons were one of our favorite tools. Arson, poisonings, insurrections, murders.” And in fact, during the Madison administration, Africans actually joined the British in torching the White House in 1814, sending James and Dolly fleeing. | more…

Gerald Horne: Against Left-Wing White Nationalism (Organizing Upgrade)

How and why the U.S. left has tailed the ruling class on such a bedrock matter as conceptualizing white supremacy soars far beyond the confines of this brief response…..What does this mean for today?  It means rejecting the new Cold War against Russians and Chinese and, instead, forging alliances with both. It means linking demands for reparations nationally with likeminded struggles in the Caribbean and Africa.  It means realizing that the uncanny ability of some on the U.S. left to hand rhetorical weapons to the right to bash the oppressed – from “political correctness” to “cancel culture” – is hardly a coincidence or accident but simply another expression of a “cross-class alliance” that has propped up settler colonialism from its inception….. | more…

“The Return of Nature” is a Resource for Scientific Radicals (Science for the People)

The Return of Nature is a genealogy of ecological thinking. The word ‘ecology’ was not in common usage until the twentieth century, leading many to consider ecological thinking a fairly recent development. However, in this impressive volume, John Bellamy Foster convincingly identifies a materialist ecological sensibility within works dating back a century prior to ecology’s popularization…” | more…

Jennifer Laurin, on the guidance offered in “Sensing Injustice”

“Here are a few pieces of advice I got from Michael, that I would have liked to have had earlier in my career: Make sure your case tells a story – a story of your client and a story of the law…Be wary of judicial and prosecutorial ego – but know that there are people with both power and conscience…Trust the capacity of jurors to learn and dispense justice…Decide what you want and ask for it…Don’t mistake lawyering for movement work – but don’t forget about the movement either…Believe that one case at a time can, over time, make a difference…Bring others along on your journey – and remember their contributions to it with graciousness and gratitude…..” | more…

“Washington Bullets” = Washington dollars (Marx and Philosophy Review of Books)

“Prashad’s guidebook to US imperialism acts as a springboard for readers for their own journey in understanding imperialism and the role of the US in global politics. Reference is made to economic sabotage in Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia; to trampled revolutions in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and Grenada; to hybrid wars, outright killings, and other forms of subversion from Burkina Faso to Greece; Iran to Iraq; from Indonesia to Japan…..” | more…

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